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Bath and Wells MAT

The School Day

Registers are taken at 8.45am, please send your child to school on time to avoid a late mark being recorded. Any child arriving after 8.45am, but before 9.15am will be awarded an L (Late) code on the register. Any child arriving after 9.15am will be given a U (Unauthorised) code. Ten U codes in 12 weeks will result in a referral to the Education Engagement Service.

Being punctual is very important and helps the day get off to a good start. Pupils arriving late must sign in at the School Office.

At the end of the school day, pupils should be collected from their class, or leave the school premises promptly at 3.15pm, unless involved in a supervised activity. Only pupils in Y5 & Y6 are allowed to walk home independently, as long as their parents have completed a consent form.

The School Day

Registration 8.45am
Morning School

8.45am - 10.10am : EYFS & KS1

8.45am - 10.30am : KS2

Morning Break

10.10am - 10.25am : EYFS & KS1

10.30am - 10.45am : KS2


11.50am - 1pm : EYFS

12pm - 1pm : KS1 and KS2 Y3 & Y5

12.15pm - 1.15pm : KS2 Y4 & Y6

End of School


 Length of School Week : 32.5 hours


Assembly Timetable

Day Time Assembly
Monday - Wednesday 10.30am  Collective Worship : EYFS & KS1
10.15am  Collective Worship : KS2
Thursday  Throughout Day Class Worship
Friday  9.05am  Key Stage Celebration Assembly (alternate weeks)