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Bath and Wells MAT


Proud to be Part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust.

St John and St Francis Church School is a ‘Good’ school, right on the edge of Bridgwater, Home of Carnival. The Somerset Levels are right on our doorstep.

Our children are ready to learn, respectful and polite and know how to keep safe. They enjoy school life and they make firm friendships. They are curious about the world about them and they strive to be the best version of themselves! The culture around school is friendly, warm, caring and safe.

Parents and the community are strongly supportive and we are well connected. Parents are proud of the school and work with us for our children’s benefit. Our parent group, OSCAR are wholly supportive of our endeavours and help us enhance our provision.

In return, we offer a progressive curriculum that carefully builds on the previous learning as children move through the school. It is purposeful and relevant, focused and practical, providing the knowledge and understanding that our children need to progress and succeed in life today. There is a strong Christian ethos present and this is understood and promoted throughout the school. The Rev. Catherine is the strong link that holds us together and guides us towards our school vision, helping us keep our core values close to our hearts.

Our dedicated staff, whose genuine care and empathy epitomise their professionalism, realise this broad provision for our children’s benefit. Our committed Local Governing Committee support and supplement our school leadership and our school community, offering a broader community perspective.

Mrs Tamar Warner
Head of School

We welcome prospective parents to our school and our community. We would like to share with you who we are and to show you what we can be. Please contact the School Office and we will happily arrange for you to visit.