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Bath and Wells MAT

School Uniform

St John and St Francis Uniform

We expect all of our pupils to wear school uniform as set out below. Please ensure each item is clearly named including water bottles, lunchboxes and book bags.


  • Long grey or black trousers (no leggings) – boys/girls
  • Grey or black skirts/pinafores
  • Cotton shirt with stiff collar or blouse (Year Reception can wear white polo shirts for their first year)
  • Tie (can be elasticated for Years R-2)
  • Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with or without logo – ‘V’ neck only
  • Sensible black shoes or ankle boots – no trainers

Pre-loved uniform can be purchased on a regular basis from our OSCAR team. Please contact them at  stjstfpta@gmail.com

Summer (applies after Easter holiday and before October half-term holiday)

  • Light blue check dress
  • White polo shirt with or without logo
  • Grey or black shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with or without logo – ‘V’ neck only

P.E. kit

For P.E. sessions the children must have a change of clothing for hygiene and safety reasons. The P.E. kit consists of:

  • White t-shirt with or without logo 
  • Black or Navy shorts
  • Black elasticated daps or trainers 
  • Plain black or navy joggers or leggings 
  • Plain black or navy sweatshirt for colder months

Outdoor Learning

Children must have a named bag containing wellington boots, an old top and trousers for outdoor learning lessons.


No jewellery should be worn at school. Only ear studs are acceptable, but these should be covered during P.E. lessons.


Hair longer than shoulder length should be kept tied back with a simple hair band. No flower or large accessories. Tramline/shaved heads are not acceptable, nor dyed or coloured hair.

You can buy our uniform from Goldstar Clothing based in Bridgwater town centre. Please see contact details below.

Goldstar Clothing
29 Eastover

01278 451515