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Bath and Wells MAT

Breakfast and After School Provision


We are a local company working alongside St John & St Francis to provide an onsite Breakfast and after school club supporting families with child-care needs.

We are open from 07.45hrs (Breakfast club) and from 15.15hrs – 17.30hrs (After school club). We provide a range of activities to keep the children entertained.

Our service is charged at £4.00 per hour which includes breakfast and all after school snacks and refreshments. Minimum charge is £4.00 per session then charged in 15 minute blocks.

Please see contact details below for more details/information about us.

C/O Butterflies Day Nursery, Bower Lane, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4TY
Telephone (during club opening hours): 07731 396178
Telephone (out of club opening hours): 01278 431868
