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Bath and Wells MAT

Visitors & Volunteers

Visitors are very welcome to St John & St Francis Church School, however it is our school’s responsibility to ensure that the security and well-being of our pupils is uncompromised at all times.

The school has a legal duty of care for the health, safety and well-being of all pupils and staff. This duty of care incorporates the duty to ‘safeguard’ all pupils from being subjected to any form of harm or abuse. It is the responsibility of the Governing Committee and the Headteacher to ensure that this duty is implemented at all times. In performing this duty, the Governing Committee recognises that there can be no complacency where child protection and safeguarding procedures are concerned. The school therefore requires that ALL VISITORS (without exception) comply with the following procedure.

Visitor Registration Procedure

  • Where possible, all visits are pre-arranged with a member of the School Staff.
  • All visitors must report to the School Office, and register their details via our online Visitor Management System in the School Office lobby. Photographs are taken of all visitors.
  • Provide formal identification, a copy of which will be taken and retained.
  • Where applicable, please provide your DBS number.
  • Completion of our Volunteer & Visitor Protocol Safeguarding form, and where applicable our Visitor Risk Assessment.
  • Our School Visitor Safeguarding Guide is read and understood.
  • All mobile phones and applicable electronic devices will be stored in the lobby in reception, a locker key will be provided.
  • All visitors will be required to wear an identification badge, the badge must remain visible throughout their visit.
  • On departing the school, visitors should leave via the School Office and:
    o Confirm their departure time on the online Visitor Management System.
    o Return the identification badge to the School Office and collect their mobile telephone/electronic device, returning their locker key.

Please note: If a planned visitor fails to arrive with appropriate identification, they will not be permitted to have unsupervised contact with a child.

Unknown/ unplanned visitors to the school

  • Any visitor to the school site who is unknown to the school staff should be challenged politely to enquire who they are and their business at the school
  • In the event that the visitor refuses to comply with our registration procedure above, they should be asked to leave
    the site immediately and the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher (or member of Senior Leadership Team) should be informed promptly
  • The Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher (or member of Senior Leadership Team) will consider the situation and decide if it is necessary to inform the police
  • If an unknown / uninvited visitor becomes abusive or aggressive, they will be asked to leave the site immediately and warned that if they fail to leave the school grounds, police assistance will be called for.

Governors and regular volunteers/parent helpers

  • All Governors and regular parent helpers must comply with the Disclosure and Barring Service, by completing a DBS disclosure (if not already held) if they
    are in regulated activity via the School Office
  • All Governors and parent helpers should follow the procedures as stated in Visitor Registration Procedure
  •  New Governors will be made aware of this policy and be familiarised with the procedures as part of their induction. This is the responsibility of the Headteacher
  • New parent helpers will be asked to comply with this policy at their Induction meeting with the School Business Manager, before coming into the school for an activity or class supporting role
  • Parents may be permitted to assist on an ad hoc / occasional basis (e.g. giving a talk to a class about their hobby/ job/ faith) as long as they are not left unsupervised. A visitors risk assessment must be completed and the Headteacher have given permission before any such visit takes place. All regular parent helpers must be DBS checked. Again all parents should follow the procedures as stated in Visitor Registration Procedure 

Contractors/ Workmen

Contractors/ workmen should follow the procedures set out in Visitor Registration Procedure