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Bath and Wells MAT

Ethos & Values

Our Christian Value this half-term is Perseverance "Success doesn't happen by accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice, and most importantly loving what you are doing and learning."

The Trust is inspired by the Church of England's Vision for Education and it focuses this inspiration, across the Trust, through John 10:10

'That they may have life: life in all its fullness'
The School understands the Church of England's broad vision and the Trust's focus and is inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:7 for our local community. We feel this sits firmly within the Trust's focus and reflects how we feel and what we do for the community that we serve:
'Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres...' 
From this inspiration, the Ethos and Vision of the School is realised:
'Learners for life, who care, understand, respect all and are guided by our core values...'
Our Core Values:
Friendship, Compassion, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Peace, Thankfulness

From our Core Values, we forge our Positive Behaviour and Relationship Policy, our School Prayer and our Call & Response. 

 Our Positive Behaviour and Relationship Policy:

'Ready, Respectful, Safe'

Our school prayer: 

'Lord, bless our school, that working togeher and playing together we may learn to serve you and to love one another. Amen.'

Our Call and Response: 

'God is in the light, God is in the light, now there is no dark, candle burning bright'

'Goodbye to the light, goodbye to the light, God will stay with us, every day and night'