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Bath and Wells MAT

English as an Additional Language


At St John and St Francis, we are committed to ensuring that all our learners, including learners with EAL, feel safe and know that they are valued. Our priority is to ensure that all pupils are enabled to have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. English is best learnt through the curriculum and pupils with should be encouraged to play a full part in all learning opportunities. We aim to support our learners with EAL to progress through the National Curriculum, with full access and equality of opportunity. We aim to celebrate our growing diversity and to welcome all new joiners. Bilingualism is viewed as a positive and life enriching asset. 

The term “EAL” is used to describe a diverse and heterogeneous group of learners who speak English as an Additional Language. In England, such learners are defined as those who have been ‘exposed to a language at home that is known or believed to be other than English’ (Department for Education, 2019). Learners may be at any stage of developing English language proficiency, from New to English, to completely Fluent. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to supporting children with EAL and endeavour to tailor our curriculum to be fully inclusive to all. Our main aim is to settle the children as quickly as possible into school life; to encourage them to take part in the daily routines and structures, which will help them to develop, not only an understanding of the academic aspects of English, but the use of our language as a social interaction. 

Learners with EAL make the best progress within a whole school context, where pupils are educated with their peers. Our school environment promotes language development through the rich use of language, including Voice 21.

All pupils need to feel safe, accepted and valued in order to learn. For pupils who are learning English as an additional language, this includes recognising and valuing their home language and culture. As a school, we are aware that bilingualism is a strength and that pupils with EAL have a valuable contribution to make. We take a whole school approach, including ethos, curriculum, promoting acceptance and tolerance through British Values and promoting language awareness.  

We recognise Literacy as the bedrock of learning. When reading and writing skills are strong, understanding and communication is easier. Every student who understands and can communicate our curriculum will have every chance of achieving their full potential. Therefore, this school is committed to making appropriate provision of teaching and resources for pupils for whom English is an additional language.  

The high quality adaptive teaching approach will benefit all learners, particularly those with EAL and/or SEND. Adaptive teaching and the use of technology are our greatest tools for these children.  

EAL assessment and provision at SJSF

  • Carry out baseline assessment using SSE EAL Skills Framework Diagnostic – Writing Diagnostic Grid (for new to English speaking schools).
  • Using ‘The EAL Skills Framework’ progress guide, carry out a ‘best fit’ for each EAL pupil to ascertain where each EAL pupil is in terms of: Listening and Understanding, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
  • Using ‘The EAL Skills Framework’ set EAL targets for each of the areas above using the ‘bank of targets’ document.
  • There are a range of strategies for each target on ‘The EAL Skills Framework’ strategies reference document to support staff in working on the targets set for each EAL pupil.
  • Resources– there are a range of resources for staff to support EAL pupils on Sharepoint, SJSF-School, EAL folder and there is also a guide to resources for supporting student learning resource suggestions in each Class green EAL folder.
  • Also, as a school, we currently support EAL pupils using:

Communicate in Print

Visual aids

QFT – Class adult support (LSA or CT)

Paired work with non-EAL pupils

Pre-teach new vocabulary

Phonics intervention (1:1 or small group)

Toe by Toe (support for reading and spelling)

Twinkl resources

Digital dialects

British Council website

Racing to English

ema-tas writing resources for B-C and C-D pupils

  • LSA EAL specific interventions to be added in to our provision eg time to talk as per the need of each EAL pupil. Once assessments have been carried out the EAL Lead to be notified of who needs EAL specific LSA interventions.
  • Targets set will be monitored and reviewed termly as part of Pupil Progress Meetings.

Resources for families:

New Experience! New Friendships!

Imagine being in a new country where you don’t speak the language fluently and you don’t fully understand the local culture.

If only you had a friendly guide who could help you get to grips with it all.
Now, through Lingo Link organised by the Diversity Voice, you have the opportunity to be that guide for someone in exactly that situation – and learn a bit about their language and customs as well. So, if there is a particular language or country that you’re interested in, please get in touch and we’ll try and arrange for you to meet with a suitable Lingo Link partner.

Lingo Link puts you in touch with a newcomer to the UK in your local area and arranges the first meeting for you. You choose where you would prefer to meet (in a coffee shop, café or pub), how often you meet, and how the two of you want to use the sessions. To take part, or for more information, please email lingolink@diversityvoice.org.uk with your contact and location details.

4 easy steps to join us

Step 1. Just email us on lingolink@diversityvoice.org.uk , give your telephone number and town where you live or the preferred place for your first meeting. Don’t forget to mention the language you use, and the target language you’d like to learn.
Step 2. We’ll find you a partner who speaks the target language of your preference.
Step 3. We’ll send you details of your language partner (name, telephone number or email address by e-mail or txt message).

Step 4. Join the adventure of learning today!

This project has been supported by Somerset Community Foundation and currently is supported by Somerset Skills and Learning.

Please visit Welcome (diversityvoice.org.uk) for more information