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Bath and Wells MAT

Year 6 - Eagle

Languages Day: 25th September 2024

On Wednesday 25th September, Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic session of Chinese-themed activities! The children explored the Chinese culture, food, schooling and the language. During the morning, they were also able to have a go at their own mandarin characters! Here are some photos of the day, including some wonderful outfits! 

World War Two Workshop: 19th September 2024

On Thursday 19th September, Year 6 enjoyed a brilliant WW2 History Day, which was led by local author and historian, Andrew Powell-Thomas. During the morning, Mr Powell-Thomas taught the children about how Hitler rose to power and the aftermath of WW1, including what this meant for Germany. Following this, the children learnt about the start of WW2 and some of the key events that happened during the war, including the Battle of Britain, the Phoney war, Dunkirk and D-Day. 

They concluded the morning's learning by looking at the WW2 links in our local community and town, Bridgwater. The children now should be able to explain to you where you can locate some pillboxes in walking distance!


Year 6 last day: 24th July 2024

Wow! What a brilliant, sad, emotional, exciting and celebratory last day. The children enjoyed shirt signing in the morning and a wonderful Leavers' Service in the afternoon, followed by some presentations from Mrs Warner, Mrs Venning and EYFS. Many children shed a tear (we were anticipating a few tears after none at the disco!) and all of our children, once again, made us very proud. 

We look forward to hearing all of the successes of our 2023/24 Year 6's and wish them all the best for their futures. 

We'd like to also take this opportunity to thank all children, parents, carers and families for all of your support this year and very generous cards and gifts we have received in the last few days. 

Hope you all have a wonderful Summer. 

From, Team 6.

Here are some final photos from today (please note, that videos of our two production songs - filmed earlier today - are available to watch on TEAMS). 


Year 6 Leavers' disco: 23rd July 2024

What an amazing Year 6 Leavers' disco! The Year 6's had an amazing time dancing the night away with our fantastic Disco Queen! The biggest 'thank you' must go to OSCAR, who decorated the hall, organised and paid for a McDonalds happy meal for all Year 6's, provided a cupcake treat for everyone and gave up many hours of their time to make the Leavers' disco incredibly special. Well done all Year 6's - we hope you had a very special evening. 

Here are some photos:


Year 6 Production: July 2024

Year 6 blew us away with their outstanding performances this week! They all performed, sang, danced and acted incredibly well and we were so lucky to have such a talented cast, including our wonderful lighting, sound and props crew - well done everyone.  

There are some photos and videos of our performances on the Year 6 TEAMS page.

Year 6 oracy session: 8th July 2024

On Monday 8th July, Year 6 welcomed some parents in and enjoyed sharing our Year 6 presentations with them and their peers in the other Year 6 class. Their task was to produce a PowerPoint based on their experiences of Year 6 - favourite subjects, memories, topics and any advice and expectations to Year 5. They worked collaboratively with a partner to produce this, whilst also improving their computing skills. They will look forward to sharing these with the Year 5's in the last week of term.

We focused on our use of oracy skills (changing intonation, body position, tone and volume) during our presentation, and also showcased our oracy tactics: instigate, build, stretch and challenge, at the end of each slide.

Here are some photos from the afternoon:


Year 6 visit to The Salvation Army: 4th July 2024

On Thursday 4th July, some children in Year 6 (those attending BCA in September), attended a second transition day, whilst all other children visited The Salvation Army to watch a Music Man concert. 

The Music Man Project has been running at The Salvation Army since January and provides a safe space for people with additional needs to engage with each other and learn through music. We really enjoyed the concert. Thank you to The Salvation Army for inviting us.

Here are some photos of the morning:


Year 6 visit to Somerset Cricket Club: 2nd July 2024

On Tuesday 2nd July, Year 6 visited Somerset Cricket Club to watch a day of professional cricket between Somerset and Warwickshire. The children enjoyed watching the game, learning some rules and taking part in some activities that were arranged by the club. A thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all, and the children displayed outstanding behaviour all day. Well done Year 6!

Here are some photos from our day:


Sports Day: 1st July 2024

On Monday 1st July, Kestrel and Eagle class took part in our KS2 Sports Day. We started off the morning by taking part in some non-competitive carousel activities, focusing on our teamwork, communication and perseverance. A big thank you to Mr Moore, BCA and Premier Sport for giving up their time and volunteering to help us and deliver some fantastic activities for our children. Another big thank you to ASDA for supplying our fruit and water and OSCAR for purchasing the new gazeboes. 

After some British Summer weather greeted us, we didn't let this bother us as we then turned our attention to the competitive track races. Relays, skipping and sprints concluded our morning. Well done everyone! 

We must also say a very big well done to all of our Year 6 PE leaders who led the carousel activities for KS1 Sports Day in the afternoon - what brilliant leaders we have in the making. Head to KS1 class pages for photos of these activities.

Here are some photos of our morning.  


Year 6 Health and Sports Week - Premier Sport: 28th June 2024

On Friday, Year 6 took part in an invasion game PE session led by Premier Sport. The children enjoyed taking part in a variety of games and activities, using their teamwork skills and agility. 

Here are some photos:


Year 6 Health and Sports Week - Euro 2024 football tournament: 27th June 2024

On Thursday 27th June, Year 6 took part in an intra-house competition. In their houses, we split the children down further, into smaller teams and each team chose a country. They then played some matches against other teams. Scoring was a little different to normal football scoring: each team had one or two subs (who the teams rotated each match). Their role was to watch the match and decide on a score of 3, 2 or 1, based on their team's communication, teamwork and encouragement of others. We had some brilliant explanations as to why some scores had been given and it was great to see the children using their oracy skills in PE. It was also a pleasure to see the children working so collaboratively with each other. 

Here are a few photos:


Year 6 Health and Sports Week - Kirsty Way visit and American Football! 24th June 2024

Today, we had a very special visitor: GB Double Mini Trampolinist, Kirsty Way joined us for the morning as part of a whole-school celebration. Firstly, she gave an inspirational assembly to all children and staff, detailing her route into her sport, her achievements, pathways and crucially, teaching the children that success isn't always a smooth and straight road. The children watched some of Kirsty's incredible routines as well as some falls, and also got to see some of her medals and hear some of her stories. After, the children enjoyed taking part in some circuit training with Kirsty, which included spotty dogs, star jumps, press ups and mountain climbers. 

After break, Year 6 went outside to complete an American Football tournament - basic 'Flag Football'. The children enjoyed learning a new sport and also about America’s history in the Olympic games alongside some key, influential figures in their history.

Here are some photos from today:


Year 6 Kilve - Day five! 21st June 2024

Day five update!

Before we begin with our day five update, we must mention our very enjoyable campfire on day four. This evening was one to remember with: campfire songs, production songs, a staff game of 'two truths and a lie', and of course, we cannot forget - our yummy s'mores!  

On Friday morning, children were treated to a very special breakfast (pancakes!), which also included our full continental offering! Shortly after, we began our lovely walk to Kilve beach and enjoyed a delicious ice-cream, paid for by OSCAR. We are very grateful to them for this. It was probably the earliest ice-cream the children have ever had! 

We then continued our walk to the beach and enjoyed an hour of fossil hunting before walking back to Kilve, remembering lots of the History and local Geography Mr Gill had taught them in their lessons back at school. 

Here are some photos of our final day, and some from earlier in the week that got a bit muddled! Well done to all children for a thoroughly enjoyable week - the children were a real credit to our school and Kilve staff were very impressed with their manners and behaviour.


Year 6 Kilve - Day four! 20th June 2024

Day four update! 

After a very eventful 'Cluedo' evening (photos of our characters to follow!), the culprit was eventually caught! 

Although the children were visibly tired today as the week drew towards its conclusion, they all enjoyed and performed all activities today, including: bushcraft, archery, low ropes, high ropes, mountain biking and climbing! The bear even enjoyed taking part in some mischief! 

We are currently sat watching the England v Denmark Euro 2024 game - some nail biting has already started! 

Here are some photos from today:


Year 6 Kilve - Day three! 19th June 2024

Day three update!

Last night was 'a-maz-ing' - the children enjoyed playing a variety of games in the maze! One of the best parts was the children trying to locate Mr Gill and Mr Moore in a game of 'sardines'. This morning, all groups took part in some very enjoyable team building games (with some friendly competition between the groups!). In the afternoon, one group enjoyed an afternoon of bushcraft in the woods, whilst the other groups took part in two activities, including: archery, mountain biking, high ropes, grass sledging and low ropes. 

Here are some photos from today:


Year 6 Kilve - Day two! 18th June 2024

Day two update! 

After a brilliant 'Sports Day' with different team games concluded, with some very competitive but fun tug-of-war games (photos attached), all children went to bed and settled down very quickly! They were definitely ready for sleep last night! 

Today, in their groups, children have taken part in different activities, including: bushcraft, standup paddleboarding, kayaking, mountain biking and climbing. Tonight, the children are looking forward to an adventure in the maze! Well done all! 

Here are some photos from today and last night:


Year 6 Kilve - Day one! 17th June 2024

Day one update!

After a fantastic 5 mile walk with beautiful scenery, some brilliant dam building and some lovely teamwork, we are here and all settled in our cabins for night one! The children have had a fantastic day. Here are some photos from our first day:


Year 6 First Aid: 12th and 13th June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June and Thursday 13th June, Year 6 took part in two days of First Aid, led by The Practical Training Hub. Each class received a day's course, where they began by learning about the key First Aid principles and scenarios and how they could respond to those, looking at the key information needed.

Children also looked at why and how to bandage, how to put an arm in a sling, how to treat burns and how to take off gloves successfully without 'getting blood' on them. 

After lunch, we were taught the importance of the recovery position, CPR and DRABC.

Thank you very much to OSCAR for funding the days for the children. Valuable and practical skills and knowledge were gained during these two days. Well done to all children for their effort, engagement and questions.

Here are some photos from the day:


Year 6 Career's Fair: 6th June 2024

On Thursday 6th June, Year 6 took part in what was a fantastic and engaging career's fair. The career's fair was a brilliant learning experience for all children, who gained and improved their knowledge of other professions and in particular, the skills, qualities and career paths/routes that the professionals took. The children were treated to engaging workshops, with practical, hands-on learning experience. We discussed with the children how important this is, with it being one of many learning experiences they will receive over the next few years, which may help them to shape their future choices and job desires. Remember Year 6 - knowledge is power!

We are extremely grateful to the following companies and individuals for giving up their time this morning to come in and take part in our career's fair. We are already looking forward to next year's! 

- Strawberry Grange developers

- Refresco 

- Seb Wallace - ICT 

- Paul Field - ICT 

- Chris Moore - Hydrographics

- Dan Steele - Paramedic

- Quantock Vets

- Paula Boyce - nurse

Here are some photos from our morning:


Year 6 visit to St Mary's Church: 5th June 2024

On Wednesday 5th June, Year 6 visited St Mary's Church to link with our Slave Trade History unit of work and Art unit of sketching. The children enjoyed learning about the history of the church and inside the church we looked at a memorial and a stained glass window which had links to the slave trade. The church's tower wardens also kindly gave the children a tour of the tower, which included the Monmouth room! 

Outside, the children enjoyed sketching still-life such as: the door, architrave, stained glass windows, gravestones, tower and spire. 

Here are some photos from our visit:

Year 6 Forest School: 21st May 2024

On Tuesday 21st May, Year 6 enjoyed a day of Forest School activities led by Mrs Nurcombe. The children made dens, journey sticks, Harry Potter wands and took part in some pond dipping. A great day had by all and a special thank you to Mrs Nurcombe for organising the day. 

Here are some photos of our day:


Year 6 SATS week: May 2024

What a busy week it's been! Our wonderful Year 6's have made us very proud, trying their best in everything this week, all with big smiles on their faces. Their confidence, calmness, perseverance and resilience has shone through this week - well done everyone! 

On Friday, the children (and staff!) enjoyed a treat breakfast with a bacon or sausage sandwich and full continental offering! After this, our second part of our reward day continued with a morning of play at the park. We even had a new member of the year for the day - Theodore (our school bear) joined us on all of our adventures during the day as you can see in the photos below!


Cricket workshop: 30th April 2024

On Tuesday 30th April, Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon workshop led by Tilly from Somerset Cricket Club. 

The children participated in some accuracy activities and indoor batting! Well done all.

Here are some photos:


World Book Day: 7th March 2024

What a fabulous selection of characters we have been celebrating in Year 6 today: animals, wizards, queens, kings, superheroes, fairy tale characters and more! 

The children received a lovely assembly today led by Mrs Venning showing the uniqueness of books and all of us! 

This afternoon, the children will be telling their stories (from their fairy tale character) to children in Year 5!

Here are some photos of us in our costumes! 

Rocktopus: 6th March 2024

On Wednesday 6th March, Year 6 took part in a Rocktopus session, organised for the whole school by Mrs Edwards. We looked at how we can involve our times tables within singing and creating moves that are going to get us active and help us to remember the times tables!

The children even got to make their own music video which we can't wait to see! 

A very loud and hugely enjoyable afternoon had by all children, rocking away! 


Year 6 Storyteller session: 26th February 2024

On Monday 26th February, Year 6 enjoyed a workshop from our guest storyteller, Sharon Jacksties. Sharon told the children a fantastic story about a boy from China (ask your child if they can retell you the story!). The children were all fully engaged in listening to the words of the storyteller. Afterwards, we discussed Sharon's techniques as a storyteller: using gesture; changes in volume and intonation; use of body language; use of props and eye contact. 

Our Year 6's are going to be incorporating some of Sharon's techniques this week and next week as we work on retelling our stories, which will will be taking from our informal letter. We will share the results with you! 

Here are some photos:

Year 5 and 6 Share a Story: 12th January 2024

On Friday 12th January, Years 5 and 6 held a Share a Story session in the school library. Parents were invited in to enjoy story time with their children. It was a great success, here are a few photographs.


Year 6 - Salvation Army Visits: 9th January 2024

Over the past term, Year 6 have been enjoying weekly visits to The Salvation Army on Tuesdays to join members of the community and staff members to partake in a morning of boccia. Boccia is an accessible sport, which is similar to bowls, focusing on tactical awareness. The children have attended in small groups and have really enjoyed helping with the activities and having fun with the members of our local community. This has helped to create positive community links with our school.

We are looking forward to working with The Salvation Army more throughout the year. Here are some photos from our most recent visit:


Year 6 - Climate Change Conference: 7th December 2023

On Friday 7th December, Year 6 welcomed in parents and carers to share our learning over the last term. 

As part of their Geography learning, Year 6 have been learning all about Climate Change; the causes, the effects and what can be done do reduce it. The learning has definitely been cross curricular: the children did research and created power points on the subject in computing; they designed and made their own working wind turbine in DT (where they also had to use their knowledge of electrical circuits from last term's Science learning); they wrote persuasive speeches about the use of plastic and plastic pollution in English; and finally they used their Oracy skills to bring everything together in a Climate Change Conference for parents. The children presented their PowerPoints, speeches and wind turbines using the oracy skills they have learnt- gesture, voice projection and intonation, expression, body language and the use of eye contact and engaging the audience. The conference was a great success and we thank all parents and carers who attended the afternoon.

Here are some photos from the afternoon:


Year 6 - DT Day 2023: 6th December 2023

On Thursday 6th December, Year 6 took part in our DT Day, where the children used their learning in Science and Geography to make wind turbines. Prior to this day, the children had designed their wind turbines, using their knowledge of both renewable energy sources and Science knowledge of how a wind turbine is structured and works. 

Children used a variety of skills during the day, which included: perseverance, teamwork, good communication and flexibility if their structure needed some adjustments. In addition, children used many DT skills during the day, such as: drilling, sawing, measuring and gluing. 

A fantastic day was had in Year 6! We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures below:


Year 6 - Children in Need Day 2023: 17th November 2023

Here are some photos of our Year 6's, who looked amazing in their spotty ears, badges, t-shirts and socks! 


Year 6 - WW2 museum workshop: 19th October 2023

On 19th October, Year 6 took part in a fantastic museum workshop from the Somerset Heritage Trust. The children enjoyed learning about evacuation during WW2, rationing, air raids and how and why the stirrup pump was used. The children were able to re-enact an air raid situation and experience being silent hiding underneath tables until they heard the "all clear". We are very thankful to Sharon for leading a thoroughly enjoyable morning.

Here are some photos from our brilliant morning. 

Year 6 - Assembly led by Year 6's: 17th October 2023

On Tuesday 17th October, Year 6 led an assembly to the rest of KS2. All of the children who volunteered to present and speak did a brilliant job and spoke about their RE learning this term, which included: our Christian value of 'Friendship'; the key components of justice; the difference between equality and equity; our big question that we have been answering in our RE lessons; and the importance of Moses. 

Well done to the Year 6's who presented with such confidence and maturity. 

Here are a few photos:

Year 6 - Science week and parent session: WC 9th October 2023

Last week, Year 6 took part in our school Science week, with our theme of 'connections'. We began our week in Year 3 where we needed our detective skills to try and work out who had stolen Mrs Wells and Mrs Lewis' chocolate bar! The children improved their knowledge of fingerprints, learning that a fingerprint is unique (including our own fingerprints on each hand) and how they can recognise different types of fingerprints.

On Wednesday, Year 6's had a fabulous Science lesson looking at the brain and how it is vital to the functioning of our whole body. They looked at the different parts of our brains and the different hemispheres and what each side of our brain controls. We were fascinated to learn that the right side of our brain controls the left side of our body and the left side controls the right side of our body! 

Year 6's concluded the week in Year 4 where they investigated different types of bridges, researching what makes a sturdy bridge and learning about the different types of bridges in the world. They tried making their own bridges and were limited to 15 straws! 

A fantastic week and many excellent connections were made during the week.

Here are some photos of our week:


Year 6 - History Day: 27th September 2023


On Wednesday 27th September, Year 6 enjoyed a brilliant WW2 History Day, which was led by local author and historian, Andrew Powell-Thomas. During the morning, Mr Powell-Thomas taught the children about how Hitler rose to power and the aftermath of WW1, including what this meant for Germany. Following this, the children learnt about the start of WW2 and some of the key events that happened during the war, including the Battle of Britain, the Phoney war, Dunkirk and D-Day. 

They concluded the morning's learning by looking at the WW2 links in our local community and town, Bridgwater. The children now should be able to explain to you where you can locate some pillboxes in walking distance!


Year 6 - Languages Day: 26th September 2023

Today, Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of Chinese-themed activities! The children explored the Chinese culture, food, games, schooling and the language. During the afternoon, they were also able to experience some Chinese games and have a go at their own mandarin characters! Here are some photos of the day, including some wonderful outfits!