Year 5 - Kingfisher
World Book Day 2025
We had a wonderful day celebrating reading and books! We took part in the CBBC live lesson where we were able to see what other schools were doing and hear from famous authors! We made book marks as part of this lesson.
We were able to share our character descriptions with Year 6 and try and guess theirs! It was a great way to use our oracy skills when reading our descriptions out.
Science Week 3-7th February 2025
Wow! What a busy week we have had in Kingfisher. The children began their week by investigating how animals adapt their physical appearances to allow them to survive in their environment. The children then swapped around the KS2 classes throughout the week to explore other areas of our 'Change and Adapt' them. The explored whether they could survive on Mars and if they could design a house to 'change and adapt' to extreme weather. The children finished their week by welcoming their parents/carers into to school to share their learning.
Roman Day - November 2024
Kingfisher class took part in a virtual Roman workshop focusing on the life of a Roman soldier at the fortress of Caerleon in Wales. The children took part in a Roman Boot camp and followed the commands of our Centurion and workshop leader. The children also worked in small groups to hot seat a Roman soldier and find out all about their life in the Roman army.
The children were also able to explore some real-life Roman Artefacts. They predicted what they thought each item was before finding out what they were actually used for (we especially liked seeing what the Roman’s used instead of toilet paper)!
Carnival Workshop
Linking to our carnival themed art project, using archives and artefacts, we discovered who was behind the Gunpowder Plot. We investigated how their plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament was uncovered and learnt about their gruesome punishments. We found out why we still celebrate 5th November by exploring its important links with Bridgwater carnival. It was great to experiment using quills to write with and create paint explosions with vinegar and baking powder to produce some amazing artwork!
Tie-Dye T-shirts
We have been designing and making tie-dye t-shirts. We researched different textiles and patterns. We practiced the tie-dye techniques using wet wipes and marker pens. We designed our t-shirts and then carried out our tie-dye and stencils!
We can’t wait to wear them for our carnival parade!
“I really enjoyed using the dyes to make different effects.” commented Jasmine.
“It was tricky to fold the t-shirt to make the right pattern but I got there in the end!” explained Ellis.
Simonsbath Visit - 1st October 2024
What an amazing day!
Today we saw the beauty of Exmoor and its river systems. We started our day with a river walk, seeing the river features we have explored in class, in the beauty of the Exmoor valley. After lunch, we took the plunge and went into the River Barle performing experiments to investigate speed of flow, transecting the river parts and pebble grading.
European Languages Day
Year 5 have been finding out about famous Italian landmarks, learning some Italian phrases and listening to some Italian music. Did you know Italians only have 21 letters in their alphabet?
PCSO Visit
Year 5 had a visit from our local PCSO to talk about respectful behaviour in the community. We also discovered the age of criminal responsibility is as young as 10! We discussed different scenarios and weather these were crimes or just rules of society.
PCSO Visit
Welcome Back
It's been a wonderful start to Year 5 with all the class coming back feeling positive and full of smiles.
We have been learning about the importance of having a growth mindset and how this linked to our behaviour for learning.
We took on a challenge to make the tallest tower from 10 sheets of paper and sticky tape. We needed to work collaboratively and have a growth mindset to do this.
Year 5 Trip to Bridgwater College : June 2024
Year 5 - Tennis Workshop (June 2024)
Rocktopus - March 2024
A very exciting day across the whole school. Year 4 and 5 got together to create a song about the 6 times tables. Their rhyming skills were very impressive! You children have been sent home with a QR code which you can scan to watch them in action!
Year 5 Bikeability - January 2024
Well done to the children in Year 5 who completed their Bikeability courses this week, in the seasonally cold weather!
Clare and Amy from Somerset Road Safety, who led the courses commented:
'enthusiastic groups, lovely to see their confidence grow, they enjoyed being out of school on their bikes learning about the road environment. Thank you to the school for making the Bikeability team feel welcome. Professional support so the children got the most from the courses. We look forward to working with you all next time!'
The children who took part also commented:
'I would have never learned this anywhere else' - Bethanie
'I would love to do this again' - Evie P
'I love it' - Evie W
'Interesting, helps learn the roads, signs and what they mean' - Amelia
'Helps me know how to communicate with drivers' - Alfie
'Feel more confident riding my bike' - Alana
Our very grateful, and HUGE THANKS go to Mrs Edmends and Mrs Zeffiretti for assisting the groups, and of course to Clare and Amy from Somerset Road Safety, who provided the children with these invaluable lessons to stay safe while cycling on the roads.
We are delighted to confirm that we have secured two further courses this year for Year 5, and further details will be sent out to parents/carers in April regarding this.