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Bath and Wells MAT

Year 5 - Heron

World Book Day - March 2025

We had a great day dressing up and accessing the BBC live learning lesson today. We were a part of children in schools across the UK will reading a book they love for 60 seconds, all at the same time - it was incredible!


Y5 Heron WBD 2025


Live Debate - January 2025

During our latest English unit, we have been writing a balanced argument. To bring our writing alive and to serve as a real-world purpose we then held a live debate, discussing the topic, 'Should Gaming Be Taught In Schools?' 

The children themselves had strong opinions on this topic but were able to give convincing speeches for ‘For’ and Against’ the topic.

Y5 Heron - Class Debate


Roman Chariots - December 2024

Throughout today Heron class created their very own Roman Chariot. They measured, cut and stapled the wood together to make a chassis before designing their very own chariot. Finally adding on the wheels. 

They turned out magnificently!


Roman Day - November 2024

Heron class took part in a virtual Roman workshop focusing on the life of a Roman soldier at the fortress of Caerleon in Wales.  The children took part in a Roman Boot camp and followed the commands of our Centurion and workshop leader. The children also worked in small groups to hot seat a Roman soldier and find out all about their life in the Roman army.

The children were also able to explore some real-life Roman Artefacts. They predicted what they thought each item was before finding out what they were actually used for.


Heron Class - Roman Day


Tie-dye making - October 2024

Over the past week we have been creating our tie-dye t-shirts ready for the 'big reveal' at our Carnival Parade on Thursday 24th October. 


Simonsbath Trip - October 2024

What a fantastic day! 

Today we saw the beauty of Exmoor and its valley systems. We took the plunge and went into the River Ex exploring the main features, sketching it out and performing experiments to investigate speed of flow, transecting the river parts and pebble grading.


European Languages Day! - September 2024

Today we spent some time learning all things Italian! We showcased our knowledge by adding images and icons to a map of Italy.

Did you know:

Italy is famous all around the world for its cuisine. Italian food is known for it’s simplicity – minimal ingredients, maximum taste!

Italy is known as the coffee capital of the world

Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galile, Maria Montessori and Enzo Ferrari are some of the most famous Italians!

Heron Class - Italy


PCSO Visit - September 2024

Year 5 had a visit from our local PCSO to talk about respectful behaviour in the community. We also discovered the age of criminal responsibility is as young as 10! We discussed different scenarios and weather these were crimes or just rules of society. 

PCSO Visit


Science - Gravity - September 2024

In Science we have begun our investigation into 'Forces'. This week we investigated gravity and how objects fall to the ground. We found out that even though objects may be the same size their weight plays an important roll in how long it take to fall to the ground. 


Welcome Back

It's been a wonderful start to Year 5 with all the class coming back feeling positive and full of smiles. 

We have been learning about the importance of having a growth mindset and how this linked to our behaviour for learning. 

We took on a challenge to make the tallest tower from 10 sheets of paper and sticky tape. We needed to work collaboratively and have a growth mindset to do this.


Carymoor (July 2024)


Heron Class had the most fantastic day out at Carymoor Environmental Trust. They dressed up like Vikings, cooked bread over a fire, carried out a Viking archaeological dig and put their orienteering skills to the test! I was sad I wasn't able to go with them but Miss Webber & Mrs Wells assured me how incredibly well-behaved they all were representing our school. I am so proud of them all! 

Heron Sports Day (July 2024)


Well done, Heron Class. Lots of fantastic effort for sports day today! 

Year 5 Trip to Bridgwater College



Year 5 - Tennis Workshop (June 2024)


Heron Class - Fitness Workshop (June 2024)

 A fantastic start to Health and Sports week! Today we had an assembly led by  professional athlete, Kirsty Way. Kirsty Way told us about her inspirational story as a Double Mini Trampoline Gymnast followed by a fitness workshop which all children thoroughly enjoyed! We also had workshops based around sun safety, road safety, and water safety with the RNLI. 

Heron Class get some exciting news! : May 2024

Two weeks ago in maths, Heron class put their statistic skills to the test to create and collect data in two way tables. They were finding out everyone's predictions on whether Mrs Bailey-Harris was having a baby boy or girl. Today was (finally) the day that they got to find out! Each child got their own scratch card where the news was revealed. It was such a pleasure to get to experience this excitement with the class. 



Cricket Workshop

World Book Day :  March 2024

Heron 2024 - World Book Day

 Happy World Book Day from Heron Class! 

Rocktopus - March 2024

A very exciting day across the whole school. Year 4 and 5 got together to create a song about the 6 times tables. Their rhyming skills were very impressive! You children have been sent home with a QR code which you can scan to watch them in action! 


Visit from CadCharacters - February 2024

 Year 5 had a visit from a real Anglo-Saxon warrior today! We learned all about life as an Anglo-Saxon including some of the punishments they received. They even had a battle with the Vikings!



Year 5 Bikeability - January 2024

Well done to the children in Year 5 who completed their Bikeability courses this week, in the seasonally cold weather!

Clare and Amy from Somerset Road Safety, who led the courses commented:

'enthusiastic groups, lovely to see their confidence grow, they enjoyed being out of school on their bikes learning about the road environment. Thank you to the school for making the Bikeability team feel welcome. Professional support so the children got the most from the courses. We look forward to working with you all next time!'

The children who took part also commented:

'I would have never learned this anywhere else' - Bethanie

'I would love to do this again' - Evie P

'I love it' - Evie W

'Interesting, helps learn the roads, signs and what they mean' - Amelia

'Helps me know how to communicate with drivers' - Alfie

'Feel more confident riding my bike' - Alana

Our very grateful, and HUGE THANKS go to Mrs Edmends and Mrs Zeffiretti for assisting the groups, and of course to Clare and Amy from Somerset Road Safety, who provided the children with these invaluable lessons to stay safe while cycling on the roads.

We are delighted to confirm that we have secured two further courses this year for Year 5, and further details will be sent out to parents/carers in April regarding this.