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Bath and Wells MAT

Year 2 - Chaffinch

World Book Day Activities March 2025


As part of our World Book Day KS1 and EYFS got together to share their character description writing. Year 2 had written about the goats and troll from The Three Billy Goats Gruff story. Year 1 wrote about giants from The Smartest Giant in Town story. EYFS described dinosaurs. The children had to use the clues from the descriptions to work out the characters. Some children worked in Mrs Edwards or Mrs Legg's classroom so please look for more photos on their page. 


Science Week February 2025

Chaffinch class had a lovely week learning in other classes. The theme for this years Science week is 'Change and adapt'. The children completed work linked to life cycles, space and materials. 


2nd December 2024 - Our Trip To Wells Cathedral

We have been learning more about the Christmas story in our RE lessons. Today we were lucky enough to visit Wells Cathedral. We learnt that it was built in the shape of a cross and lots of people go to services there now. We looked at the beautiful stone work inside and our guide, Nicolas told us lots of interesting things. There is a man called Mr Harewood who has a tomb with hares and a well carved into it!

There is a clock which has an unusual face showing 24 hours instead of 12. We were so excited to watch it chime on the hour. There was a statue who made the bells sound and horse (not real ones!) that galloped around on top.

We had a busy day with lots of activities including, stained glass window making, sketching and badge making.

What a great day we had!


Great Fire Of London - Wow Day!

Today Year 2 were visited by CAD Characters. This was an introduction to our history unit on the Great Fire of London and will provide us with writing opportunities in our English lessons.  

The children had a great time listening to and learning about how the fire started and continued to burn for many days. Some of them got to take part in the role play activities which was great fun to watch! 


Hello Yellow! World Mental Health Day October 2024

Today Year 2 took part in World Metal Health Day. The children were invited to 'Wear Yellow and make the world a little bit brighter'.

Children and staff across the school came in wearing a variety of yellow accessories to participate.

In the afternoon we discussed things that made us happy and joined in with a live Zoom assembly with a premier league footballer. This focused on good mental health.


Community Reading

Year 2 have enjoyed visiting the community. A group of us walked across to The Salvation Army hall to share stories with our new friends in the CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) group. We will all have a chance to do this by the end of year 2. We are hoping to share songs and poems in the future too. 



Year 2 and Year 4 Collaborative Computing

Today the Year 4 children used their computing skills to teach the Year 2 children how to create branch databases using J2edata. It was lovely to see the older children helping the younger children and everyone was successful!

Curriculum links- Computing and Science.

Learning about the Sikh community : July 2024

We  invited a lady from the Sikh faith to talk to us about being a Sikh. She brought the 5-Ks, some drums and a large harmonica to show us. She was impressed how much we knew about the 5-Ks and we had lots of opportunities to ask questions. We really enjoyed it when she played the instruments for us. 



Sports Afternoon

What an exciting afternoon full of sports events! Our torch bearers (well done for making a torch at home) made a wonderful addition to the procession to start our sports afternoon. First of all we took part in activities as a class including parachute games, rugby activities, a quoit throw and more. All these had a 'Disney' Theme and we had music to match. 

After a quick break it was time for the races. we enjoyed cheering our teams in the egg and spoon, sack, obstacle and sprint races.

Well done to Blackdown and Quantock who were joint winners for the afternoon! 

We hope that everyone who was able to join us enjoyed it as much as we did. Thanks for coming!



Friday fun!

Today Chaffinch class had great fun using the orienteering course around the school. They used the school map to locate the different locations labelled around the outdoor area. The children had to find the animal pictures they were given and match them to the codes on the orienteering signs. 

At the end of the day we had our Share a story session. Thank you to the parents that joined us!



Sporting activities 

Chaffinch have continued to enjoy lots of sporting activities this week. On Wednesday they took part in circus skills, which some of you were lucky to see at the end of the day! And today (Thursday) we had a tennis session with a tennis coach. The children used the rackets and balls to practise their control, bouncing and catching skills.



Health, Sports and Wellbeing week. Day 1! : June 2024

What an exciting start to our Health week! This morning we enjoyed a visit from Kirsty Way. She is a premier athlete who competes all over the world at 'double mini trampolining'. We listened to her telling us all about her training, when she started and she showed us her medals too. We especially enjoyed watching videos of her in action. The 'bloopers' were really funny when she got it wrong!

We were lucky to have a 10 minute slot with Kirsty after her talk. She got us moving with some circuits. We were out of puff but did a fabulous job at all the activities.

Later, we took part in some rugby training with a coach from BCA. We played a tag game and then did some relay races with a rugby ball, learning some rugby skills along the way! 


Multi Skills Festival - May 2024

Year 2 had an exciting opportunity to go to the Multi Skills Festival at Bridgwater College this afternoon. Along with other schools they took part in lots of different activities. We were very lucky with the weather and enjoyed our afternoon in the sun learning new skills.


Computing with Year 5 - May 2024

Today we worked with Year 5 during our computing lesson. We were using our Teams password to log on to the computer. Year 5 are very good at this and were kind to help us. We were excited to be able to log on independently. 


Cricket Workshop - May 2024


Look at all the fun we had today! We enjoyed working with a cricket coach. She taught us lots of new skills, it was tricky catching a tennis ball! We will be working on these skills in our PE lessons too so we will soon get even better.

Year 2 Trip to Weston Super Mare - April 2024

Today we had a lovely trip to Weston Super Mare. We started our day at the museum learning all about the seaside in the past. After lunch we walked through the town and along the pier. Everyone enjoyed an ice cream before a play on the beach. The children had a great time and behaved well. Well done Chaffinch Class!




Rocktopus : March 2024

We had a great morning with Rocktopus! We created our own song for the 2 times table. You will be able to watch the video online later this week as the children will be bringing home an access code. In the meantime look at the pictures so far.




Year 2 enjoyed learning a new skill this week, fencing. We learnt that fencing is a sport and the coach taught us how to hold the foil (sword) and how to position our feet and body. We also learnt the French words to start a fencing match, en garde, prets and allez.

Year 2 RSPCA hedgehog workshop

Year 2 have been lucky enough to have a visitor from the RSPCA. We learnt about what this stands for and the kind of things they do. 

We enjoyed the hedgehog workshop and learnt all about how to care for wildlife, including hedgehogs. 

Did you know that hedgehogs can get stuck in tin cans if they are left lying about?

We learnt about how we can help by asking an adult to clean them and squash the tops so the hedgehogs can't crawl into them.

We made our own hedgehog model to help us remember everything we have learnt.