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Bath and Wells MAT

Whole School Events

Macmillan Coffee & Cake afternoon : September 2024

Our School Council held a fundraising afternoon for this very worthy cause, which was well supported by our school community. The event raised £232! Please click on the image below for photos of our event:


Parking Buddies : July 2024

Our School Council have been fundraising to purchase school 'parking buddies' to encourage considerate parking around our school site. We are delighted to confirm that these have now arrived, and are already proving effective in keeping our school community safe at the busy start and end of the day! 

Pictured: Mrs Paula Edwards, School Council lead, our fabulous School Council, and Mrs Tamar Warner, Interim Head of School.

Science Fair: June 2024

It was super to see so many budding Scientists take part in this year’s annual Science Fair! Thank you to all who took part. All your presentations were high quality and everyone’s oracy skills were showcased when you presented your findings.

Can’t wait for next years! 😊

Winners will be announced in celebration assemblies. 


Easter service & parade : March 2024

It was wonderful to see so many families supporting the children at our Easter service at St Francis Church, as well as the later parade at school. Thank you once again to OSCAR for assisting with our refreshments.

World Book Day : March 2024

This year's focus has linked to our school's drive to enhance our children's oracy skills, where we have had a storytelling focus week culminating in World Book Day. The children all had the chance to take part in a storytelling workshop last week, have been working on their storytelling throughout the week and are presenting their stories to other classes throughout the day.

We attach a compilation of our classes taking part in World Book Day, our staff body, including our Executive Head, Mrs Venning!

Carol Singing at Dunwear House 

It was a great privilege on Friday to take a group of year 1 children across to Dunwear house, our local retirement home. We were greeted by lots of friendly faces. The children were amazing and sang their little hearts out to  our local elderly residents. The residents were very grateful that we had attended and said it was lovely to host our very polite young boys and girls. They enjoyed listening to our Christmas songs, and we even sang a song together at the end of our little performance.  They have invited us to return again in the spring term to share some of our other learning experiences with them. ​​

KS1 Maths Parents workshop

It was lovely to see so many of you attending the EYFS/KS1 Maths workshop on Friday afternoon and the enthusiasm for learning how you can best support your child with Maths at home was brilliant to see. Lots of hands on practical ideas that you can use at home. Please let us know if there are any further areas of learning that you like parent/carer workshop for.

Maths-KS1 parent workshop


2023 Carnival Procession - November 2023

Despite the storm nothing could dampen the spirits of St John and St Francis and our planned Carnival Procession 2023!

In our year groups we paraded, danced and sang in the dry and warmth of the school hall. We really hope you enjoy looking at the pictures and video's. We hope you will agree the children look like they are having a great time!


EYFS really enjoyed their carnival procession and dancing! We made firework shakers in DT. we used these to help us with our firework dancing I hope you enjoy the show! We all enjoyed performing!


Year 1

We made headresses. We loved dancing and perforning to our song from Encanto...Enjoy our performance!

Please click on the image above to view the video Please click on the image above to view the video


Year 2 


Please click on the image above to view the video


Year 3

Year 3 performed the "Carnival of Animals" have a look at our video! It was great fun!

 Please click on the image above to view the video


Year 4

Celebrated the 'Rio Carnival of Birds' this afternoon! We were inspired by feathers and all the colours, sparkles and celebrations of the Rio Carnival. 

Y4 Carnival


Year 5

Year 5 have worked incredibly hard on their tie dye t-shirts. Enjoy watching their big reveal (including excellent dance moves) for the carnival! They all look amazing! 

Please click on the image above to view the video


Year 6


Year 6 carnival artwork



Science Week 2023

The children at St John and St Francis have had a wonderful week making connections and learning lots. KS2 focused on making connections within engineering behind bridges, how gliders work and how our brains connect to the rest of our body! We even looked into how finger prints connect to crime - I wonder if Mrs Wells ever found out whole stole the chocolate. 

KS1 made connections linking animals to their habitats using observational skills, and knowledge of the names and features of living things typically found in parks, gardens, fields, and hedgerows in the UK. They also made connections between different types of animals, noticing similarities and differences.

Thank you to any parents who popped in on Friday. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you. 


European Day of Languages 2023

On Tuesday 26th September we took part in the European Day of Languages, a celebration of the language diversity of Europe. Each class chose a country and spend time learning about the language and culture of that country. Everyone dressed in the colours of their country.

Year 2 were fortunate enough to have a native French speaker visit to share some stories and songs.

It was a successful day and really helped to raise awareness of the diversity of languages spoken by our children and families, in our local area and beyond.


European Day of Languages