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Bath and Wells MAT

Reception - Wren

Gingerbread Man Experiment - January 2024

We listened to the story of the gingerbread man again and thought about why he couldn’t get across the river. We then conducted some experiments. First we wanted to know if he would have made it across if the water wasn’t so deep. We put a gingerbread biscuit in different sized bowls, each with a different capacity (linked to our maths) and filled them with water to see what happened. The one in the least water wasn’t so crumbly and the one in the most turned to mush! We then thought about the length of time in the water so we put gingerbread biscuits in water and timed them using a sand timer. The one that was in the longest changed the colour of the water and we couldn’t scoop it out! Finally we thought about whether it would be different if the river was not made of water. We placed one gingerbread man in water, one in juice and the third in milk. Although they all went mushy, we could see that the one in milk wasn’t quite so mushy. He still had his legs!

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Royal Ball - February 2024

Well, what a fabulous morning was had by all at our Royal Ball! Each Prince chose their princess and escorted them to the Ball where they were met by the King and Queen and a royal fanfare. There was a photo opportunity, followed by some ballroom dancing, including a waltz and the cha cha cha! Our royal guests were then wined and dined as the banquet began. We finally finished the morning with a little more dancing before finally our ball came to an end.

Here are some photos to show you our action packed morning. I’m sure you’ll agree that they all look fantastic!

Well, what a fabulous morning was had by all at our Royal Ball! Each Prince chose their princess and escorted them to the Ball where they were met by the King and Queen and a royal fanfare. There was a photo opportunity, followed by some ballroom dancing, including a waltz and the cha cha cha! Our royal guests were then wined and dined as the banquet began. We finally finished the morning with a little more dancing before finally our ball came to an end.

Here are some photos to show you our action packed morning. I’m sure you’ll agree that they all look fantastic!

Well, what a fabulous morning was had by all at our Royal Ball! Each Prince chose their princess and escorted them to the Ball where they were met by the King and Queen and a royal fanfare. There was a photo opportunity, followed by some ballroom dancing, including a waltz and the cha cha cha! Our royal guests were then wined and dined as the banquet began. We finally finished the morning with a little more dancing before finally our ball came to an end.

Here are some photos to show you our action packed morning. I’m sure you’ll agree that they all look fantastic!

EYFS fencing  - February 2024

We were very lucky today to have the chance to have a go at 'fencing'.  What an amazing experience! We learnt how to hold our foil and to move sideways to prod our opponent’s tummy!

Our Paleontolgist visit - The Museum of Somerset -March 2024

What an amazing time we had today at the museum. First we had a look around the museum at the artefacts. We spotted some dinosaur fossils as well as lots of other curiosities. 
We then had a circuit of activities including being palaeontologists, digging for fossils and carefully brushing them clean, painting ammonites and making our own dinosaur stick puppets or colouring. 
We were all very well behaved and respectful of the other adults at the museum, and the museum curator was very impressed with our knowledge of dinosaurs, in fact she was amazed!!!!!

Come Fly Away - Our flight to Africa - April 2024

Last week, we all received a very special ticket for a flight to Africa!  We packed our cases and brought them into school, ready for our exciting adventure!  First, we all had the opportunity to share our cases with our friends. We spoke about the things we had put in and the reason for taking them.  Nkosana and Layla packed some African currency so that they could buy themselves a meal or a present in Africa, and George packed a rope as he would like to climb a mountain! Then this afternoon we went to the airport and waited for our flight to be ready.
We learnt that the planes are directed from a flight tower. (Perhaps you could look out for one next time you are near an airport). We watched a suitcase going through a scanner and tried to identify the things inside. Our teachers explained that there are some things that we can not take on an aeroplane.
We then went through the body scanner. It beeped if we had something we shouldn’t! 😂

Finally, we were called to board our plane. It took a while to get everyone on, but we were soon settled. We did up our seatbelts and watched the safety demonstration before our flight took off. We could see the fields below and even spotted some vehicles moving along the road. We then flew over Bristol. There were lots of buildings!
During our flight, we had a movie and an inflight snack. Before we knew it, it was time to begin our descent into Africa. We passed through the clouds and watched as the wing of the plane changed, to slow us down. Africa looked quite different from Bristol, with land of a single colour and quite a lot of buildings. It was a very smooth flight and we clapped as we landed!

Everyone was ready to go to their hotels and very excited about what they might see! Let’s hope they’re all 5 star resorts! 

Wren Class are amazing at their Oracy - May 2024


Roll Up Roll Up! Circus Skills - July 2024

What a fantastic fun afternoon!
We practised our circus skills! Our instructor was called Steve and he showed us what to do, we all had great fun with activities like
Flower sticks
Plate spinning
Type rope
We were all amazing! 😊😊😊😊😊 it was lovely to see you if you managed to come ar 2.30 for our showcase.What a fantastic fun afternoon!


Planting - July 2024


Magdalen Farm Superstars! - July 2024

Wow wow wow what an amazing day we have all had! 😊👍
The children were amazing and I was very proud of all of them!
First we went out to do some sowing, harvesting and tasting. We first tasted lots of things, things we might not usually taste. We tasted basil, nasturtium flowers and borage flowers. We then tasted cucumbers that Rhi picked freshly.
We then went on to pick blackcurrants to help Magdalen make jam! We had to look carefully and use our fine motor skills. We then planted mange touts and this helped us as we wrote about planting a seed this week in English.
After lunch we were very excited to feed all the animals we had pigs and piglets, chickens, goats but the cows were shy!
After that we all made potions which was fun as it used all our senses!
A really super day and a very proud teacher 😊😊